ACESSE Resource A: Introduction to Formative Assessment to Support Equitable 3D Instruction

The NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education and the resulting Next Generation Science Standards include a signature focus on engaging all students in integrated three-dimensional science learning using inclusive instructional approaches. This new vision calls for new approaches to classroom assessment.
This open educational resource provides an introduction to formative assessment that supports equitable 3D instruction. It is designed to provide an introductory professional development session of 60-70 minutes for educators to help them learn about formative assessment and how it fits into the new vision. The module includes all of the resources that PD facilitators need to adapt and run the sessions—including slides, speaker notes, facilitator guide, and embedded resources.
The professional development module supports the following specific goals for educators:
- Explore how equity and social justice goals relate to the use of formative assessments
- Develop a shared understanding of formative assessment purposes and processes
- Learn how cognitive formative assessments and cultural formative assessments can build capacity for equitable 3D instruction
- Learn about the kinds of professional learning resources available to support the development of 3D formative assessments
Link to Open Educational Resource Version (on OER Commons)
Link to PowerPoint File Version
Link to Facilitator’s Guide for this Resource
One-Page Description of this Resource (PDF)
Recording of this Professional Development Session
This resource is an open educational resource (OER) and can be freely shared, modified, and used. This resource is brought to you by the Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE, or “access”) project. It has been developed with guidance from science education experts from across 13 states to make it as broadly useful as possible. You can follow the work of the ACESSE project on Twitter.