PD Playlist: Introducing the NGSS / NRC Framework Vision to Teachers

APPROACH: Ask teachers gathered in small groups to read the following tools—preferably as printed PDFs or online. Discuss the Reflection Questions for each (listed in a separate pull-out box on each tool), in the following sequence. This can lead into a discussion of how these teachers can plan to implement the NGSS / Framework vision in their classrooms.
Estimated Time: 50-70 min.
- Next Generation Science Standards: What's different, and do they matter? (10 min)
- Overview: How can we promote equity in science education? (10 min)
- Why focus on science and engineering practices--and not "inquiry?" Why is "the scientific method" mistaken? (10 min)
- Practices should not stand alone: How to sequence practices in a cascade to support student investigations (10 min)
- How Can I Get My Students to Learn Science by Productively Talking with Each Other? (10 min)
- Optional: Why should students investigate contemporary science topics—and not just "settled" science? (10 min)
- Optional: Are there multiple instructional models that fit with the science and engineering practices in NGSS? (Short answer: Yes.) (10 min)
- Leave them with the following resources for further inquiry and sharing with their network and peers:
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) website: the main site for NGSS; be sure to highlight the NGSS Appendices
- NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education: the consensus vision for K-12 science education that guided the development of the NGSS; everyone should read the Framework to understand the goals of the NGSS
- NSTA NGSS Portal: a collection of resources for science teachers on implementing NGSS
- STEM Teaching Tools: our professional resources for supporting implementation of NGSS; encourage them to browse the collection of tools available; they can download a zip file with all of the tools and presentations to explore later