ACESSE Resource U — Unconference Toolkit to Support Participant-Driven Professional Learning

The STEM Teaching Tools team in partnership with members of the Council of State Science Supervisors have co-developed a model of professional learning driven by the interests and needs of participants. In these professional learning spaces, we customize an unconference meeting arrangement to support the learning and design activities of science teachers, educational leaders, scientists, community members, and other partners. The approach allows for community building, shared learning, and expertise sharing to inform the refining of teaching practice and the development of new resources supporting equity-focused science education implementation.

    "How To" Guide for Running an Unconference Event

    Supporting File Templates & Logistical Files

    This resource is an open educational resource (OER) and can be freely shared, modified, and used as long as the original source is acknowledged. This resource is brought to you by the Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE, or “access”) project—a collaboration between the Council of State Science Supervisors, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the University of Washington Seattle. It has been developed with guidance from science education experts from across the country to make it as broadly useful as possible. You can follow the work of the ACESSE project on Twitter.

    Preferred citation: Rhinehart, A., Kern, C., Price, N. & Bell, P. (2022). How to Run a Virtual “Unconference” to Support Equitable Science Teaching and Learning. [OER Professional Development Resource from the ACESSE Project] Retrieved from