Search Results
106 results for "equity":
- How can you advance equity and justice through science teaching?
- Fostering meaningful conversations about equity grounded in teacher practice
- Overview: How can we promote equity in science education?
- PD Playlist: Engaging Teachers with Equity in Science Education
- How can Making promote equity and excitement in STEM?
- Designing and participating in community and citizen science efforts to support equity and justice
- Using 3D interim assessments to support coherence, equity, and a shared understanding of learning
- How place-based science education strategies can support equity for students, teachers, and communities
- How do we present gender, sex, and sexuality as part of inclusive and accurate science teaching?
- NEW TOOL: How can you advance equity and justice through science teaching?
- Let’s Talk Climate! Bridging Climate Justice Learning and Action Across School, Home, and Community
- Understanding how food, energy, and water decisions affect the thriving of local, regional, and global systems
- Attending to Race and Identity in Science Instruction
- Building Family-Centered Models for Science Education through Learning in Places
- Steps to Designing a Three Dimensional Assessment
- Keeping Climate Science Learning and Instruction Focused on Creating Solutions and Building Community Resilience
- NEW TOOL: Why you should stop pre-teaching science vocabulary and focus on students developing conceptual meaning first
- How to productively reframe eco-anxiety as a science communicator or educator
- NEW TOOL: How can Making promote equity and excitement in STEM?
- New Tool: Overview: How can we promote equity in science education?
- NEW TOOL: Interim assessments can support coherence, equity, and a shared understanding of learning
- How can we confront and dismantle systemic racism through science learning?
- NEW TOOL: How place-based science education strategies can support equity for students, teachers, and communities
- What is the role of informal science education in supporting the vision for K-12 science education?
- NEW TOOL: Designing and participating in community and citizen science efforts to support equity and justice
- Teaching STEM In Ways that Respect and Build Upon Indigenous Peoples' Rights
- How can STEM education leaders move with community towards culturally affirming and sustaining practices?
- Supporting Successful District Implementation of New Science Standards
- Steps to Designing Justice-Focused Assessments in Science
- Why you should stop pre-teaching science vocabulary and focus on students developing conceptual meaning first
- How Can I Get My Students to Learn Science by Productively Talking with Each Other?
- Identifying local environmental justice phenomena for science and engineering investigations
- Creating science learning experiences that support learners receiving special education services
- Integrating Science Practices Into Assessment Tasks
- How to design assessments for emerging bilingual students
- Connecting science instruction to neighborhood life through collaborative design with community
- Using Local Phenomena to Communicate Climate Solutions
- How can teachers guide classroom conversations to support students’ science learning?
- How might climate educators leverage the diverse funds of knowledge of rural communities?
- Beyond the Written C-E-R: Supporting Classroom Argumentative Talk about Investigations
- How to build an equitable learning community in your science classroom
- Focusing Science and Engineering Learning on Justice-Centered Phenomena across PK-12
- How do race and racism connect with science learning in early childhood and elementary classrooms?
- Supporting observations, wonderings, systems thinking & “Should We” deliberations through Learning in Places
- PD Playlist: Introducing the NGSS / NRC Framework Vision to Teachers
- What does subject matter integration look like in elementary instruction? Including science is key!
- How can science instruction leverage and develop student interests? Short answer: In so many different ways!
- Designing ‘productive uncertainty’ into investigations to support meaningful engagement in science practices
- Implementing Meaningful STEM Education with Indigenous Students & Families
- Using science investigations to develop caring practices for social-ecological systems
- Why it is crucial to make cultural diversity visible in STEM education
- How to avoid possible pitfalls associated with culturally responsive instruction
- How to launch STEM investigations that build on student and community interests and expertise
- Learning STEM Through Design: Students Benefit from Expanding What Counts as "Engineering"
- Engaging English Learners in the Science and Engineering Practices
- How can formative assessment support culturally responsive argumentation in a classroom community?
- Systematically Noticing and Responding to Learning Experiences through Practical Measures
- What school building administrators should know about the new vision for K-12 science education
- Organizing for educational transformation using Actor-Network Theory
- Evaluating Curriculum Materials for Alignment with the New Vision for K-12 Science Education
- Research Brief: Designing an Assessment System that Measures Three-Dimensional Science Learning
- Getting their hands dirty: Engaging learners in authentic science practices outside the classroom
- Why focus on science and engineering practices--and not "inquiry?" Why is "the scientific method" mistaken?
- Next Generation Science Standards: What’s different, and do they matter?
- How to focus students’ engineering design projects on science learning
- New Tool: Supporting teacher professional communities to implement school-wide initiatives
- New Tool: What is the role of informal science education in supporting the vision for K-12 science education?
- Think globally, act locally: Promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through community-centered learning
- Designing Climate Change Learning for Action
- STEM Curriculum Pitfalls reference
- New Tool: Engaging English Learners in the Science and Engineering Practices
- Using the crosscutting concepts to reflect on and refine your teaching
- Engaging Students in Computational Thinking During Science Investigations
- How can arguing from evidence support sensemaking in elementary science?
- Research Brief: Supporting teacher professional communities to implement school-wide initiatives
- How can assessments be designed to engage students in the range of science and engineering practices?
- NEW TOOL: What school building administrators should know about the new vision for K-12 science education
- New Tool: Research Brief on "Designing an Assessment System that Measures Three-Dimensional Science Learning"
- Supporting Preservice Teachers with Task-Based Instruction
- Navigating the Political Dimensions of Climate Change Teaching and Learning
- Research Brief: The Informal Formative Assessment Cycle as a Model for Teacher Practice
- Uses: Playlists for Tools
- Failing Forward: Managing Student Frustration During Engineering Design Projects
- STEM Teaching Tools at NSTA in Denver
- PD Playlist: Introducing the NGSS / NRC Framework Vision to School Principals
- ACESSE Resource U — Unconference Toolkit to Support Participant-Driven Professional Learning
- Research Brief: How Teacher Social Networks Support and Constrain Sustainable Reform
- STEM Teaching Tools at NSTA in Kansas City
- STEM Teaching Tools at NSTA in New Orleans, 2024
- ACESSE Resource A: Introduction to Formative Assessment to Support Equitable 3D Instruction
- NSTA Newsletter on Justice-Centered Phenomena
- RESOURCE COLLECTION: Exploring Indigenous Science & STEM
- Supporting Students’ Science Learning During COVID-19 School Closures
- NEW PD SESSION: Learning to See the Resources Students Bring to Sense-Making
- ACESSE Resource G: Learning to See the Resources Students Bring to Sense-Making
- ClimeTime Professional Learning Session: How to Support Home-Based Science Learning During School Closures
- About STEM Teaching Tools
- pd overview
- ACESSE Resource H — Attending to Student Interests and Community Priorities in Phenomena
- ACESSE Resource E: Selecting Anchoring Phenomena for Equitable 3D Teaching
- ACESSE Resource C: Making Science Instruction Compelling for All Students: Using Cultural Formative Assessment to Build on Learner Interest and Experience
- draft: ACESSE Resource C: Making Science Instruction Compelling for All Students: Using Cultural Formative Assessment to Build on Learner Interest and Experience
- Climate Learning Resources
- PD Playlist: Incorporating Scientific Argumentation into Your Classroom
- SHORT COURSE: How to Develop 3D Formative Assessments for the Science Classroom
- SHORT COURSE: How to Use Curriculum Adaptation to Adopt the New Vision for Science Education